Your Life on Maternity Leave

While you are on leave, try to enjoy every minute of the time that you have at home with your baby and your family. As a caveat, do not to feel guilty if you cannot achieve this idealistic goal. Many of us have never experienced even six weeks without regular employment since we joined the workforce. If you work in a busy office or hospital all day, suddenly being at home full-time with an infant can be very different and somewhat isolating compared with your previous routine. Keep in touch with your friends and fellow colleagues who are mothers and/or those who have taken a leave. They understand best what you are going through right now and can be a tremendous source of support.

Now that you have had your baby, there are several work-related tasks that need your attention. If you are eligible, you need to apply for temporary disability insurance (TDI). If you have not already done so, now is when you should secure childcare for when you go back to work. It is also a good time to call and/or send letters to service commitments and loan repayment programs to follow-up on exact commitment dates.

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